Rethinking Modern Medicine: The Gap Between Health and Healing

Why Mainstream Medicine Might Be Failing Chronic Patients and the Power of Nutritional Solutions

There is a difference between healthcare and sick care and mainstream medicine specializes in managing sick patients.

Car accident? Broke an arm in a TikTok dance gone wrong? They've got your back. The trauma teams are extremely proficient at managing crises. This model works well for acute conditions, but when applied to chronic issues it fails us terribly.

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Let’s look at some examples:

General Practitioner management of diabetes has provided terrible results and the drug management of heart disease and stroke has had success if the measure of success was selling more drugs.

But, has it really provided better health outcomes?

People still die with lots of drugs in their system from heart disease.

The Dietetic Association, which is the nutritional arm of the medical health care system, stands strongly on its food pyramid theory.

It recommends many servings of complex grain carbohydrates, lots of milk, and low levels of fat with moderate levels of vegetables.

They say that removing whole food groups is bad and anything that is not their model is labeled a ‘fad diet’.

This approach is not working and sickness is increasing in our society.

We have finally achieved something exciting, cancer has overtaken heart disease as the number one killer.

Treatment for these diseases is not making much of an impact on mortality, people are supposedly living longer but with more and more ill health.

It seems that the average person now has medication more easily available than correct nutrition.

We are made to feel that synthetic chemicals are exactly the same as those naturally occurring in the body and that we can replace all functions in the body with a drug…

… this simply isn’t true because if you take the drug away, the problem will still exist. Drugs simply suppress the symptoms but don’t treat the root cause.

We need to acknowledge the importance of nutrition and its impact on health.

You must consider diet as a general part of human existence. Food is the one essential universal practice in maintaining a healthy body that all must participate in.

Whether you live in the UK, US, Japan, or Greece, you must eat in order to survive and thrive.

So, by changing a wrong diet to a correct diet (for you), you can alter the composition and functioning of your brain and body.

This allows you to be the ‘Doctor’, and to apply specific nutrition solutions for your problems.

If you’re tired of suppressing your symptoms and you want to learn how to be the Doctor of your own health, book a call with our team to see how we can help.

We offer a free 30-minute health assessment where we go over your medical history, current struggles, treatment options, etc… and we make recommendations on what you can do moving forward.

Our results speak for themselves…


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